Owners of luxury homes – for 2019, homes valued at more than ¢131 million colones (US$210,000 dollars) – must pay the Impuesto Solidario para el Fortalecimiento de Programas de Vivienda (Solidarity Tax for the Strengthening of Housing Programs), known as “tax on luxury homes”, due on Friday, January 25.
For 2019, a house valued at more than ¢131 million colones is considered ‘luxury’, that includes housing used permanently, occasionally or for recreation
In addition, the ‘corporations tax’ is due by January 31.
Important to note here since many, foreigners and nationals, hold title to their home in a legal entity (corporation) whose annual tax must be kept up.
The payment of these taxes can be made through banks authorized by the Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance), either online
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