The driver of the vehicle that slammed into an ambulance Wednesday morning, in which two people died, in Caldera, Puntarenas did not have a driver’s license.
The collision in Caldera Wednesday morning
The Consejo de Seguridad Vial (Cosevi) confirmed they have no record of the driver. The lack of a license was also confirmed by German Marin, head of the Policia de Transito.
Dead in the accident was 81-year-old Práxides Leandro Marín González and a 12-year-old (whose name is withheld for being a minor). Injured in the crash were also two other minors, a 15 and 17-year-old, the latter the brother of the dead girl. Three other people were treated in hospital and released. The license less driver remains in hospital in delicate condition.
In a video by Teletica
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