Former president José María Figueres (1994-1998) on his Facebook page has called on the current president of Costa Rica, Carlos Alavardo, to convene the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance or by the Spanish-language acronym TIAR from Tratado Interamericano de Asistencia Recíproca), of which Costa Rica is a member, and that all the nations of the Americas join efforts to put out the fire that is consuming the Amazon Rainforest, the lung of the planet.
The agreement was signed in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro among many countries of the Americas, with the central principle contained in its articles that an attack against one is to be considered an attack against them all; this was known as the “hemispheric defense” doctrine.
The current member states include:
- Argentina (1948–present)
- Bahamas (1982–present)
- Brazil (1948–present)
- Chile (1948–present)
- Colombia (1948–present)
- Costa Rica (1948–present)
- Dominican Republic (1948–present)
- El Salvador (1948–present)
- Guatemala (1948–present)
- Haiti (1948–present)
- Honduras (1948–present)
- Panama (1948–present)
- Paraguay (1948–present)
- Peru (1948–present)
- Trinidad and Tobago (1967–present)
- United States (1948–present)
- Uruaguay (1948–present)
- Venezuela (1948–2013, 2019–present)
Former members:
- Bolivia (1948-2012)
- Cuba (1948-2012)
- Eucador (1948-2012)
- Nicarauga
- Mexico (1948-2004)
Canada is yet to become a member.